The newest (and first) Warukunai AI cinematic trailer (at the time of writing) is out now! The trailer is >30 seconds, and it also doesn't add much to the Waruk...
The second demo for Warukunai AI is out now! Don't get your hopes up though, since this is just a sightly more polished version of the first demo. Don't worry e...
The latest update of the Warukunai AI demo only adds a song at the end of the demo called "It's the End" (Remix of a popular song with a different name). ...Tha...
In case you didn't know, the initial release version of the Warukunai AI demo was 2024.12.18. Today, I released version 2024.12.29 of the demo. This update just...
Christmas has just passed, and I've decided on a release date for Warukunai AI (The game, not the demo). Warukunai AI will release on 11/30/2025 . This gives me...
Warukunai AI is a brand-new game that I am working on. I am doing the best I can to make as much content for this game as possible each day I work on it. That's...